



ALL RACES WILL BE RUN AS TIMED FINALS in order to speed up the meet.

Event order: Jr Girls, Sr Girls, Jr Boys, Sr Boys


1500 m
100 m
400 m
80 m hurdles (jr girls)
100 m hurdles
800 m
4 x 100 m relay





Track events take precedent over field events. It is the responsibility of the athletes to complete their three attempts within the allotted 90 minutes.


For the throws: the first two attempts will be done consecutively, with the longest attempt measured. The third throw will be taken in rotation and will be measured as well.


10:15 AM

High jump jr girls
Discus jr girls
Shot put jr boys
Long jump sr boys

11:45 AM

High jump sr boys
Discus sr boys
Shot put jr girls
Long jump sr girls

1:15 PM

High jump jr boys
Discus jr boys
Shot put sr girls
Long jump jr girls
Javelin sr boys

2:45 PM

High jump sr girls
Discus sr girls
Shot put sr boys
Long jump jr boys
Javelin jr girls

4:15 PM

Triple jump sr girls
Triple jump sr boys
Javelin jr boys

5:45 PM

Triple jump jr girls
Triple jump jr boys
Javelin sr girls



We’ll try to group the multi-event athletes together in heats, if possible. However, coaches need to indicate an athlete’s intention to compete in the “pent” (100 m, 800 m, long jump, high jump and shot put) by marking a large “P” by the athlete’s name on the event stickers. The points will be tabulated at the scorer’s table and final standings in each category will be posted on the website.

Please only include athletes who intend to compete in all five events.


Ribbons will be awarded for the top 5 performances in each age category! Ribbons can be picked up from the results table at the blue shed.


Create a record of your performance for future years by using one of our free stickers to record your event and result! Stickers are available when you pick up your ribbon at the results table. Stick it on the back of your ribbon and, voila!, instant memories!